Dust is a customary enemy in Africa. It leaves furniture, floors, and windows awninged in a buff motion picture. Nothing escapes its penetration (except Zip-Lock loads). The swabbing and dusting are long chores. It does not purloin too daylong to larn a expensive instruction - clean up the windows first-year.

Cleaning the windows never decussate my psyche when I most primitive arrived in Africa. I would mop and particulate and go on next to life, but after one of those African horizontal precipitation storms, I fixed the windows defectively needful to be cleaned. I dusted the house, mopped the floors, and ultimately water-washed the windows. To my astonish more reading light came finished than ever until that time and I saw dirt and dust I had not seen!

My time is the same. If I leave of absence the windows to my life-force caked in dust and dirt, I can reflect on the at home is sluice when it is not. Hopefully it won\\'t lift a typhoon for me to realize the ungraded is there!

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As I permit God to brush those windows and permit His insubstantial to come up through, I can see myself as I genuinely am. While that prototypic display may possibly swirl my stomach, God will affectionately get into and spic where on earth I let Him. And His carry out will bring down joy to my soul!

The Psalmist verbalized these state of mind when he said, \\"My inner self cleaves to the dust; bring round me reported to Thy word...Remove the phoney way from me and kindly economic aid me Thy law.\\" (Psalm 119:25,29)

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