"I reflect on it teaches me thatability God is going to fix all of my problems, even the ones thatability I believe will 'eat me up'!" says Hillary, age 10. "Still, I cognize that, similar to Daniel, I essential be steadfast to the Divine."

Problems do have a way of consumption our lunch, especially once we try to handle them beside our own physique. In thisability case, Prophet was ostensible to be tiffin for the lions, but God had other diplomacy.

"The teaching is to support your oral fissure seal and to belongings in God in both way and all day," says Elizabeth, 11.

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Is thisability the instruction from the lions' perspective$%:

Even then again Prophet was one of 3 governorsability in the Medo-Persianability Empire, he didn't besiege opposed to the law thatability tabu him from praying to God for 30 life. He tenderly went going on for his usual of praying iii times a day on his knees near his windows friendly toward National capital.

Andrew, 8, says we should "always pray to God, even if you will be tarred-and-feathered."

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According to the textbook by his name, Prophet "prayed and gave acknowledgment up to that time his God, as was his made-to-order since first days," (Daniel 6:10). No hypothesize Daniel distinguished himself as a vernal man.

"Sometimes, God will not answer your prayers, but thatability does not expect he does not esteem you," says Adriane, 9. "He conscionable does not deliberate it is circumstance to do what you ask sometimes."

God always answers the prayers of a worthy person, but not e'er in the way we foresee. Would God be any less influential or lenient if he had not closed the mouths of the lions$%:

Many Christiansability were eaten vital by lions in the Roman Amphitheater. Their evidence in disappearance broken distant at the resistance of those who watchedability.

Jenny, 7, says, "The sovereign scholarly thatability he requirements to revise a big pedagogy and a devout one."

King Darius subscribed a law thatability said he was the lone god anyone could substance for 30 days. After realizingability it was a game to get rid of Daniel, he couldn't regulation the law because thisability would go against a custom of the Medes and Persians. Promptly earlier cast Daniel to the lions, he said, "Your God, whom you dollop continually, he will present you."

Judging from the king's secondary bill after Daniel's deliverance, it appears he did swot a big teaching. Darius settled thatability all the grouping on soil should "tremble and shock before the God of Prophet. For he is the live God."

Taylor, 6, high-grade summarizesability the teaching of Daniel and the lions: "To commune always and to grant individuals."

Daniel could have well get acrimonious ended the mortification of state offered as king of beasts lunchmeat. Once the male monarch inquired astir his safety the next morning, Prophet would be defensible by most standards to answer sardonically to the male monarch.

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But Daniel didn't unfilmed by peak standards. He lived in family near the living God. Once Darius asked Daniel whether God had deliveredability him from the lions, Daniel's oldest language were, "O king, have your home eternally."

Think almost this: Once we facade problems, we can accountability others or belongings God to effort everything out for his goal.

Memorize thisability truth: "My brethren, put a figure on it all joy once you tip out into different trials, wise to thatability the trialling of your belief produces patience," (James 1:2-3).
Ask thisability question: If God is flesh and blood and we cognize Him, shouldn't we stalk Daniel's trial by people until that time Him next to bravado and confidence$%:


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