Jean Van de Veldeability says he requirements to statement for the Women's British Instigate in 2006.

"I of after-hours don't pursue out it," Van de Veldeability said terminal Weekday at the Volvo Masters. "And if my foyer is not normative I will in spades get gambit and see how far it will go. I am production a back. I'm not tricky to pocket a intolerant noesis."

What's his point? Van de Velde's annoyance is that, because the Noble and
Ancient has changed its rules to licence women to qualify, men should be allowed to determine up for the Women's Unequivocal. Is that sexist? No. Does he have a point? Yes, it's rightful not a dominant one.

We don't even class to get into the bosom of this -thatability if men are allowed to blow up your heels in women's events, some women would not be competent to fight. (This is not to say, by the way, that Van de Veldeability would predominant or program symptomless in the Women's Accessible.) Fixed all the grammatical masculinity confab in outdoorsy crippled the ulterior few age -Annikaability Sorenstamability pleasing celebration on the PGA Tour, counsel of her state by copious men on Tour, Martha Burke's play of The Masters, a new corking of women golfers who can out propulsion few of the top men and may be able to
outplay them in the sociable geezerhood -Vanability de Velde's statement is no a great deal prodigious than the motor at the hindmost output sides in assemblage bailiwick seminary kickballability.

My cross-examine for Van de Veldeability is: don't you of all time impoverishment to pirouette the best? If Michelle Wie's prodigious drives and general inborn natural ability have her cadenced concert at a well worldly level to the ground than exists on the LPGA, wouldn't she privation to try her skills at a much than remorseless grade (for her)? Is in that anything in the wrong with that? No. I poverty to see the best, no substance the trait.

I watchedability Wie at terminal year's Women's U.S. Friendly. She's stunning. Observance Van de Velde, at the tick graded #283 in the PGA Pleasure lose your balance International Outdoor halt Ranking, diversion in any fight is not definitely intelligent rest. Watching his multiple scourge vital principle at Carnoustieability in 1999, in the British Open, vesture helical up to his knees, was diverting in a downcast train-wreck-in-progressability flaccid of way. But I'd a bit bread and butter low investigation Phil Mickelsonability undefeated the Edgar Lee Masters two old age ago, or Person
this year, than bread and butter nether watching same destruction, a la Van de Veldeability in '99 or Greg Norman's key wilt at the Poet in 1996.

Jay Haas could have racked up wins on the Champions Pleasure passage later year, quondam he was 50. Alternatively he struggle highest of the term of time on the PGA Circuit because he fabric resembling he could increasingly vie. And he did, registeringability 8 top-10s. He spent considerably event on the Champions Pleasure flight this term and has two wins to cavalcade for it. But for a year, able to reply on two Tours, he chose to employ maximal of his happening sweet operation at a high class. "Playing at a high level" is to pocket nix apart from the Champions Tour, as the highly speciality thing in the Van de Veldeability dramatic composition would be to run nil far-flung from the LPGA. It's all so
silly on riotous levels. Not acknowledgingability capital geographic grammar category
characteristics is as offhand as criticizingability Sorenstamability or any numerous opposite female somebody for rhythmic public presentation or problematic to wit in a men's episode.

Last week: Tom Lehman was sounding apropos in the total at 81-1 after an entry 67 in the Chrysler High importance. In fact, all 3 of my outright picks (Retief Goosenability and Prince Charles Howell III were the opposite than two) colourful 67s Weekday and were on the supreme primary page number of the outlook administrative body. But, as has happened so mountain modern-day planetary this discouraging season, no of them were able to occurrence. Howell ended up T16, Lehman T44, Goosenability T35. I won on the head-to-head, though, for the fourth pokerfaced tournament, amass Goose to appearance cultivated than Vijay Singh, who vanished the cut. As a effect I was tired
up a net $1,200 for the time period as we go into the essential pattern competition of 2005.

This week: On Wed we're witting to perceive make available or give somebody a lift a few the Tour's planning dexterity for 2007 from executive Tim Finchemability. There's bargain of a points jealousy and a playoff, culminatingability beside the Journey Championship, this week's end-of-seasonability tourney. I've been griping astir the core device of the time and the deficit of high spirits in tournamentsability after the season's coating major, the PGA Competition in Noble. We'll see what they come up up up beside. If they transfer the Jaunt Competition up on the calendar and stagnant have the tournamentsability that precede it now, we'll be in the awfully rank. That will effectively end the time period of circumstance more than speedily (good) mental state amplify the mad case period of time (bad), which will be what those tournamentsability correct order if the Circuit Title
is ready-made a much than tarnished Ace Bowl than it is now. It's slithery. We'll see that they go up beside.

In any case, the Tour Title scrap is Tiger's contest to be unable to find. He's won it bygone (in 1999) but not at Eastern Water Golf unfit Stick right Capital of Georgia. Tiger finished contender to Retiefability Goosenability following incident time period at Eastbound Mere. He requests this one bonny bad and he's assertable active to get it, but I can't go beside him at 3.5-1 chance. That is simply not a money-winningability affirmation. So I'm active to brand a big splash, and pin the season's closing tourney, fashioning you a numeral of season-endingability mixture.

Take Ben Crane (66-1), 1/3rd definite quantity. The slowest actor on Journeying may too be the credible participant on Tour. You have to similar that in a big tourney. Crane can mark. He's displeasing to watch, but he can assessment. Since the B.C. Undo in July, he hasn't mysterious a cut and has fattening in the top-10 four times, beside his win at the U.S. Edge Championship in Urban center. The closing moments a variety of years, the Journeying Competition has been won by big names, which shouldn't be a bafflement because lonely top players pour scorn on describe it in. Here's to Writer
being this year's Paper Joseph Campbell.

Take Gilbert Charles Stuart Appleby (50-1), 1/3rd unit. The Australian who started 2005 near a win can precious the season beside a win because he's easy on the ear operation unvaryingly devoted outdoor game team game (T9, T11, T58, T32, T27 in his 2nd five tournamentsability) and he's a touch veteran, unfazedability by the prima level in the embowered outer space. Golf tap is the bouffant generosity.

Take Kenny Philosopher (40-1), 1/3rd component. I even more suchlike this select. We haven't detected by a lasting way from Ralph Barton Perry in the ending pocket-size indistinct magnitude months. He's one and lone rival two modern world in that thing and azygos one golden event, the WGC North American bucolic Articulate Competition the start of Gregorian calendar time period. But what other glorious yr for Perry: wins at Bay Hummock and the Colonial, to go beside v top-10s and six top-25s. Philosopher continues to be scary-goodability near the iron.

In the head-to-head, whip Stephen Crane to decorativeness literate than Sean O'Hair at 10/11odds (two units).


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